Month: August 2007

  • My Security Blanket

    Yes, this blog been quite dormant for the past few weeks, and also devoid of nursing stories. I’m afraid that my little escapade with NursingLink has left me burned out on all nursing-related content. And yet, I’m not at all burned out on actual nursing. In fact, I kind of miss it. I’m going on…

  • I do love sunsets.

    Springfield Mall, Sunday Night, 1997 Originally uploaded by pixelrn

  • I’m finally learning how to use my damn camera.

    Sunset Stripes Originally uploaded by pixelrn

  • Before There Were Pixels

    Here’s a woodblock print that I created in 1992. I found a scan of it while cleaning out my hard drive and I guess the fact that I’m a momma now brought a new level of meaning to the piece. It was based on a photograph of a Thai woman. She had a large amount…

  • Nurses: The AHIC needs you!

    Who: AHIC = American Health Information Community. This is a federal advisory body chartered in 2005 to make recommendations to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on how to accelerate the development and adoption of health information technology. What: A public information meeting will be held to discuss how interested…

  • Was Dr. Seuss influenced by Jane Austen?

    Each time I read “Green Eggs and Ham” to my 5 month old son I am struck by the similarities to “Pride and Prejudice.” It’s currently his favorite book. Actually it’s the only book his 5 month old attention span can absorb so I try to read it to him every day. Over and over…