Month: March 2007
I Heart Pulmonolgists
Before I became a nurse I had a completely different view of doctors. Because of my stellar health (or more likely, lack of health insurance) I tended to avoid them. What little exposure I had of doctors came from waiting on them in an upscale restaurant. You’d have a group of docs, sitting around a…
My Name is Beth and I am a Gestational Diabetic
The good news: post-bagel blood sugar = 103. The bad news: I went hogwild and had stromboli + ginger ale for dinner. Post dinner blood sugar? 153. Yikes. Okay, I am officially accepting my diagnosis of gestational diabetes. I will officially eat some crow. Crow is probably high in protein with low carbs, and therefore…
My Glucose Woes, Part 2
Actually, this is not what I had for breakfast; it’s just some sugar-free peeps hanging out in the morning sunshine. I’ve been checking out the sugar-free selections lately and I just couldn’t resist these, out of shear curiosity. Some products are not meant to be made without sugar, particularly the ones where SUGAR IS THE…
My Glucose Woes, Part 1
An acquaintance who recently found out she was pregnant for the first time asked me for any advice I had to pass along. I thought for a long moment and there was really just one thing I could come up with: NEVER EAT A BAGEL BEFORE YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE GLUCOSE CHALLENGE TEST. Let…