Month: March 2007

  • Notes on Nurse Blogging, Part 2

    Ever wonder what (if anything) the academics are saying about nurse bloggers? Searching for nursing content on the Internet, I came across this: Schloman, B. (October 20, 2006). Information Resources Column: “Is it Time to Visit the Blogosphere?” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Available: Shloman discusses blogs in general, how to…

  • For Goodness Sake, Get off the Computer and Call Your VET!!!

    I just couldn’t resist sharing this with you…one more keyword search that turned up… “my dog is tachycardic” This one turned up on a comcast web search. Part of me is laughing but part of me is feeling terrible that there’s a tachycardic dog out there and his owner doesn’t know what to do…

  • Notes on Nurse Blogging, Part 1

    One of my past career attempts was in web design. Back in the year 2001 I collaborated with some guys who were working on a start-up. Their business model? A web community. One of the guys had participated in the creation of and he had made some substantial funds from selling this site after…

  • Bulgarian Nurses

    Out of curiosity, has anyone else been following this story? Libya: Death sentences for foreign medics must be withdrawn Shame Qaddafi, Free the Nurses

  • A Nurse Manager’s Worst Nightmare…

    In the MICU there are two other pregnant nurses that I know of. I thought that was a lot but the NICU at Shreveport’s Christus Schumpert Sutton Children’s Medical Center has us way beat… 13 of hospital’s nurses having babies at same time…

  • I Use Google to Stroke My Ego: Some Nursing Notes on Keywords

    There, I’ve admitted it. I love it when google searches pull up my website. When I first began my nursing blog I wrote a post about a liver failure patient and I included the phrase “lactulose enema.” A while after the post was out I was exploring my blog stats and learned that if you…